Massive Tree Pruning
In 2017, we completed a massive tree pruning project of the entire golf course. We professionally pruned over 420 trees over a four month period at an estimated cost of $150,000.
In 2017, we completed a massive tree pruning project of the entire golf course. We professionally pruned over 420 trees over a four month period at an estimated cost of $150,000.
In October of 2017, we remodeled all of the on course bathrooms (2 Men’s, 2 Women’s). Tile floors were installed along with new LED lighting, fans, and new paint. The City of Shreveport contributed all painting inside and out. Motion detected lighting and auto-flush were added to the toilets and urinals.
All driving range projects have been completed by the foundation. New concrete pad, new turf, new signs and trees trimmed. The site work of fencing, grading and sodding remains incomplete by the City at this time.
In December of 2017, we planted approximately 30 new trees on the golf course and in the park. These locations were chosen by need and positioned by Jim Lipe of Jim Lipe Design, Golf Course Architect. There are 20 Loblolly Pines, 6 Shumard Oaks, 1 Live Oak, 2 Cypress Trees and one large Natchez Crepe Myrtle.
Greeting from the Querbes Park Foundation ! It is with great excitement that we update our Tennis page on this website. We have completed an agreement with the City of Shreveport to completely renovate the Querbes Park Tennis Center. The facility will be closed for the remainder of this year and should re-open in early January 2020.
We have had the privilege to work hand in hand with the NW Louisiana Tennis Association on this project. Their commitment to local tennis is unmatched. With their support and relationships with the United States Tennis Association we have received grant commitments of $86,000 towards the completion of this project.
The short story is that in October of 2018 the city bid the renovation of the entire tennis facility and the bids came in at slightly over $1,000,000. The city was $500,000 short of getting this done. The Querbes Park Foundation offered to put up $250,000 if the city would match that offer with another $250,000 and get the entire facility done at once as it should be. This budget amendment was passed at the City Council by a vote of 6-1 on December 11, 2018.
Our Foundation was joined by four extraordinary donor families in executing a $250,000 credit line to insure the city that we could back up our offer. We will be the last money paid on this job late this year and as you might guess we are trying to raise as much of this money as possible by year end. With grant commitments and other private donations we have raised $190,000 to date.
The addition of this renovated tennis center to compliment our improved golf facility is certainly a “game changer” for the park, the neighborhood and in some small way, the city. None of this would happen without your generosity.
Please consider helping us raise these funds. Click Donate on this website or perhaps write a check to Shreveport Green/Querbes Park Tennis and mail to P. O. Box 4987, Shreveport, LA 71134.
We’ve partnered with the Historic South Highlands Neighborhood Association so they could help prune and trim the West side of the Ockley Bayou from Madison Park to the Monrovia bridge. We made a small contribution to add to some grant money left if their budget for 2017 and this was a great improvement. This work is substantially complete.
Recently, we received some grant money from the NGO program of Caddo parish. These funds were “earmarked” for the tree project in the park and a clean up of the sidewalks and right of way areas of Gregg St. Gregg St. borders the North side of the Golf Course and is one of the main access arteries to the park.
Since the work of the Foundation has started there have been several purchases of adjudicated properties along Gregg St. This along with our work in the right of ways should begin to show itself by early 2018.
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Powered by Crawford Design Group.